Content Marketing

Reach new heights with Bizzle NZ Blog Platform.

As a business or service operating in New Zealand, there are several compelling reasons to use a platform like for blogging and content marketing; a robust framework to create your content, smart SEO to reach more of your target market and a campaign builder with amazing designs that compel to engage.

Smart SEO Benefits

By contributing content to, you can leverage the website’s existing authority and SEO efforts to improve your own website’s search engine rankings. Bizzle NZ will have a strong domain authority, which can help your posts rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, backlinks from to your website can improve your site’s overall link profile and authority.

How it Works

Credibility and Authority

Publishing content on a reputable platform like can enhance your brand’s credibility and authority in your industry. Being featured on a respected website can help establish you as a thought leader and expert in your field, leading to increased trust and recognition among your target audience. It also demonstrates your commitment to the New Zealand audience and positions you as a trusted resource for relevant information and insights.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities serves as a community platform where bloggers, businesses, and consumers come together to share ideas and information. By participating in the platform as an author, you can connect with other like-minded individuals and businesses, fostering valuable relationships that may lead to collaboration opportunities, partnerships, or referrals.

Audience Reach and Engagement will have a dedicated audience of readers interested in various topics such as news, products, services, places, and events related to New Zealand. By contributing valuable content to the platform, you can reach a wider audience and engage with potential customers who may not have discovered your brand otherwise.

Content Distribution and Amplification has established channels for content distribution and promotion, such as social media, email newsletters, and featured content sections. By having your content featured on the platform, you can benefit from increased visibility and exposure to a broader audience, driving traffic back to your website and expanding your reach.

Why Us?

Overall, using for blogging and content marketing can provide your business with numerous benefits, including improved SEO, enhanced credibility, increased audience reach and engagement, networking opportunities, and content distribution amplification. It’s a strategic investment that can yield long-term results and contribute to your overall marketing success.


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only $9.99 +GST a month!

Create unlimited content. Please note: this is special doesn’t last forever, but it does for those who sign up today!